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Saturday, January 8, 2011

On the road to recovery

A stay-in weekend, batchelor style! No kids, no family, no guilt, no deadlines, no chores, no errands, no instructions, no social committments. Just PERFECT.

The after-effects of medication are distasteful and that is saying little. The expectorant cough syrup the doctor (knowlingly or unknowingly) prescribed triggered attacks of dry cough that kept me up at night for hours, cursing and with thoughts of strangling myself. The antibiotics have ruthlessly massacred all my gut flora. I am counting days to having my immunity back and never will I take good health for granted again.

I've tried strange home remedies of my mother, aunties and even one prescribed by my new Egyptian friend. (Ramses and Tut, being the only names that come to mind now, I think I'll call him Tut for the purpose of the blog. Anyway, modern Egyptians - who smoke, play X-box and go clubbing - are nowhere like the ones described in ancient stories of the Pharoahs, what a disappointment. I have always been amazed by the stories of the great Egyptian civilization and I have all my papyrus wall hangings to prove it.)

Hopefully, this will be the last weekend I'll be whining about this disease.

On to other things, I managed to squeeze one music class this weekend. And what luck! I was the only student so I got 50 minutes of undivided attention. I must say it was a great feeling to hold my violin after nearly a month, and not to mention after 50 minutes of playing, it sounded so crisp and sweet!

It is a relief to be driving on disciplined roads again. Back home, there are no rules that seem to be followed. The driver or the other front passenger NEED NOT wear seat belts, children are free to sit un-buckled in the front, signalling is optional and lane markings are well, just lane markings. People drive with the shutters wide open, inhaling all the polluted exhaust fumes that spew out of old vehicles. Policemen have to manually channel traffic at roundabouts and junctions since there is not much road courtesy. Drivers put their hands out to signal a turn, though they very well know they can lose an arm in the process by an overtaking vehicle! Crazy idiots. Somehow, they seem to be managing fine, with only the occassional accident.

(Crap, crap, the weekend is over.)

Had a warm gush of memories of American history we learnt at school. Not the icky dates and names we were forced to memorise for tests, but the powerful stories that stuck, like Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.

No Shuri, you CAN'T have the X-box Kinect. But your glory days with Dance Central will come, be patient now.

I have just finished all my episodes of "My Name is Earl". I'll miss you, Earl and even you, Joy.

My recently passed out doctor friend prescribed this video to get me through the lousy times. It sure worked better than the cough syrup the older doctor prescribed.

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